This is a workshop that the Teachers’ Local is offering to Occasional Teachers as well. The OT Local will cover the $25 registration cost for any OTs that attend. The registration deadline is Wed. Apr. 16. The registration form is attached. Since the deadline is so close, I would recommend contacting the LETO office to let them know you want to register.
Learning in the Early Years
Learning in the Early Years is a new and dynamic two-part workshop series being offered in partnership with ETFO Provincial. This interactive workshop will provide educators with the opportunity to explore the child as learner, the educator in the early years classroom, the learning environment, and powerful classroom play. Each participant will receive their own personal copy of ETFO’s new ‘Learning in the Early Years…Exploring our Thinking’ resource.
FIRST SESSION: TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 2014 – 4:30 P.M. – 7:45 P.M.
SECOND SESSION: TUESDAY, MAY 6, 2014 – 4:30 P.M. – 7:45 P.M.
WHERE: LETO Office – 1112 Russell Street
INCLUDES: Workshop materials, a light dinner/refreshments and a personal copy of ETFO’s ‘Learning in the Early Years…Exploring Our Thinking’ resources
REGISTRATION: This workshop is open to the first 30 participants and subsequent applicants will be put on a waitlist. The $25.00 Registration Fee will be covered by the Lakehead OT Local.
ETFO/LETO CONTACT: Corinne Scarfo, Professional Learning Chair
CONTACT PHONE #: (807) 624-9149
FAX NUMBER: (807) 624-9148