Title: Behaviour Management Strategies for the Occasional Teacher
Date: June 05, 2012
Location: Victoria Park
Time: 4:15pm – 6:15pm
Who should attend:
If you are an occasional teacher and want to expand your “bag of tricks” for managing behaviours in the classroom, then this workshop is for you. Come and learn some strategies from your peers that have worked for them. This will be an interactive workshop that will explore scenarios and solutions that we all encounter. You might even have some tricks up your sleeve that you can share too.
Please register in advance by emailing Diane Hogan at dianedhogan@gmail.com.
A light dinner will be served. Also, our meetings are trying to be at “GREEN” as possible, therefore, if you have a reusable coffee cup for the coffee that is provided, please bring it along and help out the environment. THANK YOU!!