Dear Member;
You, or someone you know, may be interested in these town hall meetings as long-term care will definitely be an election issue.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Ontario Health Coalition
Long-Term Care Town Hall Meetings
This month, there are online town hall meetings being organized by Canadians4LTC to discuss long-term care and national standards for long-term care in Canada. All town hall meetings will be live streamed to the Canadians4LTC Facebook page & YouTube channel.
Tuesday March 9
6 pm, featuring Liberal MP Yvan Baker, Liberal MP Anthony Housefather, Liberal MPP John Fraser
Tuesday March 16
4 pm**, featuring Natalie Mehra, executive director of the Ontario Health Coalition, and other Provincial Health Coalitions’ leaders
Tuesday March 23
4 pm**, featuring Green Party leader Annamie Paul, Green Party MP Jenica Atwin, Green Party Ontario leader Mike Schreiner
Tuesday March 30
4 pm**, featuring Canadian Nurses, Co-hosted by Natalie Stake-Doucet RN, MSc, PhD (c) Quebec CNA representative, Meghan Eaker, RN, member of Woodland Cree First Nation, Mike Villeneuve, RN, M.Sc., CEO of the Canadian Nurses Association, Linda Silas, President of the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (TBC)
**Times subject to change
Long-Term Care Speaker Series
The PhD Policy Studies program at Ryerson University will be hosting the 7th talk of their Speaker Series, “The Right to Care in the Time of COVID: The Case of Nursing Homes” with Dr. Pat Armstrong, Distinguished Research Professor in Sociology at York University. This event will be hosted online using Zoom. A Zoom link and password to access the event will be sent via email to all folks registered. You can download Zoom on your device for free using the following link:
Friday March 19
3 pm, To register for the event, click this link and follow the instructions given.