It would be great if you could attend this OFL rally in Thunder Bay. Rallies will happen on May 1 in many communities across the province with a huge rally in Toronto at Queen’s Park. I will be in Toronto and will attend there. Registration isn’t necessary but it does provide the organizers with numbers of participants to share with the media and government.
If re-elected, the PC party has more cuts to education and health care planned. We need to take these opportunities to have our concerns heard.
On May 1, 2022, join the province-wide day of action for a better Ontario.
May 1, or May Day, is the traditional workers’ holiday, a day that working people celebrate the gains they have won over the years and commit to fighting for a better future for everyone.
In Thunder Bay on May 1, we’re assembling at Hillcrest Park (12:30 PM) and marching to Waverley Park for a May Day rally (1:00 PM – 2:30 PM).
It’s time for a $20 minimum wage, decent work, affordable housing, paid sick days, well-funded public services, livable income support for all, climate justice, status for all, and an end to racism and oppression. Join us!
Register here.