Reaching and Teaching Them All
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
4:15-6:15 pm
Presenter: Amanda Yuill
Register by email by March 15. A Zoom link will be sent.
Participants of the workshop will receive a copy of the book, Reaching and Teaching Them All.
How do you connect with children with behavioural challenges, ADHD, autism and mental illness? This workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to experience what it may be like for these students in order to foster a better understanding of the challenges they face. Practical strategies for connecting to students using calming techniques, curriculum, humour, body language and engagement strategies are discussed along with many practical tips and insights to help you maintain a good relationship with all students. This workshop is based on the book, Reaching and Teaching Them All, which was a starred selection in the Fall 2018 Best Books for Kids and Teens, from the Canadian Children’s Book Centre.
Presenter: Amanda Yuill
Amanda has been an elementary teacher for over 20 years in Japan and Canada. She has her Master of Education, specializing in teacher training. She has written 2 books for teachers called Substitute Teaching and Reaching and Teaching Them All. Amanda won the 2017 Writer’s Award from the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario and her books appear in many educational magazines. She speaks at conferences and presents workshops in Boards of Education and teachers’ colleges. She currently works in the Toronto District School Board.