Title: LITERACY “Let’s talk about it… Oral Language and how it supports learning” PART ONE
Date: Wednesday March 28th, 2012
Time: 4:15pm to 6:15pm
Location: Victoria Park
Presenter(s): Carol Rasmussen & Kali Bernst
This workshop is perfect for the occasional teacher who is either looking for a full-time job and needs to know what the full-time teachers are up to or for the career occasional who wants to keep up-to-date with the most current Literacy techniques that are being used in the classrooms.
Topics to be covered:
Accountable talk – not just a conversation
OLA – take a lesson from me…this does NOT mean hello in Spanish…that would be Hola.
Optimal Learning Model – have you ever wondered what that might look like?
Grand Conversations – let’s learn how that works
Talk Moves
The Power of Talk
…and resources you SHOULD be reading if you are looking to land that job you’ve been waiting for.
Please register by emailing Diane Hogan at dianedhogan@gmail.com. There will be a light dinner served at 5:45pm. Please advise of any dietary requirements when you register.
Title: “LITERACY… Let’s learn about the newest initiatives that the Board is focusing on” PART TWO
Date: Wednesday April 18th, 2012
Time: 4:15pm to 6:15pm
Location: Victoria Park
Presenter(s): Carol Rasmussen
This workshop is a MUST HAVE for those occasional teachers who are trying to get that full-time job and have little or no experience with the Board or in the classroom on a full-time basis and for the occasional teacher who wants to deliver their literacy lessons using up-to-date best practices.
Carol will talk about what the Board is currently focusing on and will help you understand how this will look in your classroom. She will also help you develop a great answer to the age old interview question, “What will a well balanced literacy program look like in your classroom?”.
Please register by emailing Diane Hogan at dianedhogan@gmail.com. There will be a light dinner served at 5:45pm. Please advise of any dietary requirements when you register.